
Learn domain fundamentals

These concepts will help you understand managing domains

MX record

MX record, or Mail Exchange record, is a key part of managing email on the internet. It tells email servers where to send emails for your domain. If you own a domain like “” and want to use it for email, the MX record ensures your messages reach the right mail server.

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CNAME record

A CNAME record, short for Canonical Name record, is a type of DNS record that maps one domain name to another. This helps direct web traffic effsiciently by creating an alias for your domain. Instead of pointing directly to an IP address, a CNAME record links one domain to another, making domain management simpler.

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A record

An A record, also known as an Address record, is one of the most basic and essential types of DNS records. It connects a domain name, like “,” to a specific IP address. Without an A record, your domain name would not know where to direct visitors.

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NS record

An NS record, short for Name Server record, specifies which servers are responsible for managing the DNS records of a domain. These servers hold information about your domain, such as A records, CNAME records or MX records.

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SRV record

An SRV record, or Service record, is a type of DNS record used to define specific services for a domain. It directs traffic to a particular server based on the service type and protocol, like VoIP, instant messaging, or other applications.

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TTL time

TTL ( Time To Live ), is a setting in DNS records that controls how long information about your domain is cached by DNS servers. It is measured in seconds and determines how frequently DNS records are updated.

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CAA record

A CAA record, or Certificate Authority Authorization record, is a type of DNS record that adds an extra layer of security to your domain. It specifies which Certificate Authorities (CAs) are allowed to issue SSL/TLS certificates for your domain. This helps prevent unauthorized or fraudulent certificates from being created.

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TXT record

A TXT record, or Text record, is a type of DNS record that allows domain owners to store plain text data in their domain’s DNS settings. It is commonly used for verification purposes and to provide additional information about the domain. For example, a TXT record can verify domain ownership for services like Google Workspace or Microsoft 365.

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DNS record

Think of DNS records as your website's address book – they tell visitors exactly where to find your website online.

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AAAA record

An AAAA record, also called a Quad-A record, is a type of DNS record that maps a domain name to an IPv6 address. While an A record connects a domain to an IPv4 address, the AAAA record does the same for IPv6.

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ANAME record

An ANAME record is a type of DNS record that combines the functionality of A and CNAME records. Unlike a CNAME record, which cannot be used at the root level, an ANAME record works seamlessly for apex domains. For example, if you want “” to point to “,” an ANAME record makes this possible.

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CERT record

A CERT record is a type of DNS record used to store and distribute digital certificates or certificate-related information. These certificates help establish secure communication by verifying the identity of a domain or an email server.

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